
 Reading an article about Doggerland on Facebook. You know Doggerland: there used to be a land bridge between mainland Europe and the UK and Ireland, before the big thaw at the end of the ice age, 9000 years ago. 

There are great many replies trailing down the page - like shit from a fish's arsehole - and all but two of them were witless, punctuation-free jokes about climate change. After the first assertion: "oh and I thought climate change was supposed to be real", and the snappy rejoinder, "lol and it was farting cows and now its farting cows again", came this response: "What a dumbass thing to say."

That poster probably felt pretty secure writing that. They had the science to back them up, after all. But they got the facts baby, we got the numbers. Every single other comment was about how climate change isn't real. Apart from a woman who asserted: "I learned about this in school. We had proper education in those days." Which could be a swipe at at the other posters, but it isn't, is it? It's having a pop at young people. Young people who would never read it. Because young people aren't on Facebook. 

I know what I use social media for. And I'm using it incorrectly. 

Facebook is for emboldened idiots to gang together to spout utter nonsense about issues they know nothing about under articles that are only very tenuously related. 

Or it's to write "never herd of them lol" under people's obituaries. 

There's too many of them. We're surrounded. 



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