Anniversary Waltz.

 I've been going out with - living in with - Susan Jane Garnett for eleven years today. A fifth of my life spent in the care of this extraordinary gift of a woman. I can't believe my luck. I'm mottled like leopard print from pinching myself every day for a decade plus. She makes me profoundly happy, when everything else in the world has the opposite effect. She's is taking on everything and winning. She's amazing. 

Probably won't do the fancy fish-scale pattern on the pastry though. 

We're having a quiet night in, our favourite type of night in. We'll be cooking a now traditional Beef Wellington, with Dauphinoise potatoes, black cale and carrots, followed by a tarte citron. I'm very wary of traditions generally, but when they're our traditions, well, they're good traditions. There will be wine. There will be a seventies horror film. We're simple people with simple tastes, people who enjoy cooking and laughing together at jokes you wouldn't get. We're insufferable, I know. But we're happy.       


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