Step Away From The Keyboard...Adopt The Position.

I've reached the point, once again, when if I attempt to post on social media I delete before I post.

"No one is interested in that. Why would you post it? No one gives a fat hairy shit about what you think, where you've been, what you're doing or the nonsense that you're watching on television." 

And then I think:

"That's not true. Some people might be interested. You've got 700 plus friends on Facebook. Surely some of them share common interests, or wish you well. They might have original and interesting comments to make, you never know. This is friendship in the modern world: you've never even met some of your favourite people on social media. The old values don't apply. There's nothing less real about those wonderful half-glimpsed friendships."

And then I think:

"Look at Twitter: a snarling cesspit of bad humour, mob rule and sniper-trolls. Look at Facebook: a virtual snark-park of snideness, of unironic boasting, of flabby, self-important tracts, nuance-free diatribes, rumbling echo-chamber memes and witless, fly-by-night cruelties. Look at snap chat and insta and all the other shit. You can't - you're not even cool enough to be on them. And the HOURS you waste..."

And then I think:


And I delete the post.   


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