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Old Vs Young. Grr.

 I don't meet many young people and I'm quite old. That's probably why I don't meet many young people. Also I never leave the house and my girlfriend, the only person I ever see, is of a very similar vintage to me.  But yesterday, while waiting for my friend Graeme, whom I wanted to hold my hand while I bought a domain name and scaled the inexorable, horrible slopes toward BUILDING A WEBSITE, there were some young people in my proximity.  I find them quite odd.  There was a girl next to me in the cafe, and I couldn't tell if she was American, autistic or just modern. All three were plausible, of course. Everything she said was shouted. She had a vocal fry and baby-talked. She said "Ew." at the idea of drinking tea. She thumbed her phone, both thumbs blurred as bees wings, while she sat there. She was wearing a Harajuku style dress - a honeycomb of distressed fiberglass - and had pink hair, pink glasses, and a pink nose ring (through the septum, like a bull...

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