Good man doing nothing, here.

 I'm watching the ugliest, most moronic people in the world, unapologetic in their ignorance, in fact reveling in it, making armour of it, destroying other people's livelihoods. They're burning down their shops. They're trying to beat them up in the streets. They're finding hotels where people who have been approved to live in the country are being housed - they're not asylum seekers, they're there while they're being processed - and they're setting fire to them, knowing there are people alive inside the buildings, staff as well as emigrants. They're attempting to murder them. 

Elsewhere, attempting to take their country back, these people are looting Crocs and Gregg's Steak bakes. 

They are "protesting" as they have "legitimate concerns". This protest takes the form of shouting Tommy Robinson's name, yelling "Pakis Out" and destroying any business that references another part of the world. They're throwing fireworks at the police and firebombs at places where brown people might be living. 

What did I do? Nothing. Someone set up a Go Fund Me for the burnt out shops, so I bunged them a bit of money. But that's it. There's a pro-diversity march on Saturday and, in as much as that's doing something, and I'd argue it does do something, I'm not going to be at that either, as I'll be out of the country. 

I'm one of those good men doing nothing that Edmund Burke was talking about. Well, he didn't actually say that, but it'll do. I should really do something. I'll look into it. Regular follower's of this blog will note that I've been feeling a bit depressed lately. But that looks a bit pathetic in the face of this tide of evil. 

Oh, they're evil, alright.     

I really hope these people go to prison. I really hope it fucks up their lives, like its fucked up the lives of the people they're trying to intimidate and, let's not fuck around, kill. I really hope bad stuff happens to them. I've been bemoaning the fact that police aren't using water-canons and plastic bullets on these crowds, like the armchair general I am. Because I hate them and I hate everything they stand for. Their narrowness, the ugliness of their thoughts and language. A lot of them don't even have ideological skin in the game, they're just there for a laugh, for something to do. I don't know if I despise them more than the actual Nazis at the centre of all this. But of course, I don't. Fuck the fucking Nazis. 

All these people have been radicalised. They've had hard lives. They've all got undiagnosed PTSDs from thirty years of civil war. They're born into a culture that seems to value very little, except partisan gobbets of history. And insularity. And self-pity. And hatred. Sending them to prison won't make any of this any better, and the prisons are massively over-subscribed already. But what can you do? They broke the law. They caused an affray. They damaged property. They assaulted police officers. They looted shops. They attempted murder. They stamped on heads. What else can you do with them? 

Meanwhile Tommy Robinson, a millionaire from idiot's donations, has fled the country after being arrested, and is sunning himself in Cyprus. Don't get too tanned Tommy. Not the way YOU feel. 

Why isn't this cunt in prison? He is a traitor to the nation. 



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